"Monks, there are these seven obsessions.1 Which seven?

Này các Tỷ-kheo, có bảy tùy miên. Thế nào là bảy?


(1) The obsession of sensual passion.

(1) Dục tham tùy miên


(2) The obsession of resistance.

(2) Sân tùy miên.


(3) The obsession of views.

(3) Kiến tùy miên


(4) The obsession of uncertainty.

(4) Nghi tùy miên.


(5) The obsession of conceit.

(5) Mạn tùy miên.


(6) The obsession of passion for becoming.

(6) Hữu tham tùy miên.


(7) The obsession of ignorance.

(7)Vô minh tùy miên.


These are the seven obsessions.

Này các Tỷ-kheo, có bảy tùy miên này.



1. This term — anusaya — is usually translated as "underlying tendency" or "latent tendency." These translations are based on the etymology of the term, which literally means, "to lie down with." However, in actual usage, the related verb (anuseti) means to be obsessed with something, for one's thoughts to return and "lie down with it" over and over again.

See also: AN 7.12